Our Facilities

We operate two facilities in Grabill, Indiana

  • Jack Harris Park (North Main Street, Grabill, IN 46741)
  • Leo Grabill Sports Complex (14218 Main Street, Grabill, IN 46741)


The Leo Grabill Sports Complex is owned and operated by an independent private organization. The softball and baseball leagues, along with an independent board of trustees, governs field usage, maintenance, and capital improvements.


Jack Harris Park is owned by the Grabill Parks and Recreation. The softball league manages the playing fields and concessions, and also scheduling of the fields. This is a public park available to anyone, although the Softball League has an agreement to maintain the fields in exchange for first-priority scheduling for its leagues and teams.

Field Usage

Usage of the fields takes the following priority:

  1. Baseball and Softball Recreational League
  2. Baseball and Softball All-Star Teams
  3. Baseball and Softball League-Based Travel Teams
  4. Travel Teams, not sponsored by the baseball or softball league, but has coaches and players that are actively represented in the local recreational leagues and facility maintenance.
  5. Community based events, as commissioned by the Leo-Grabill Sports Complex Board.

Teams that use these facilities:

  1. Must apply, using the link below, and be approved.
  2. Must provide proof of insurance
  3. Must agree to field cleanup responsibilities
  4. Must agree to all park rules
  5. Violations of rules will result in revocation of access